All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

West Lothian Rocks

I’ve been dying today see the Greatest Showman for ages but Ethan not keen. I booked it for today along with my friend Vicki & her daughter Anna. Ethan had a right whinge about it when I told him, but at the end of the film, he turned to me and said “I was wrong. That was amazing”!

We then took the kids to an inflatable splash session at Bathgate Swimming Pool before Ethan and I popped in to see the Foreveryoungs.

The kids painted some rocks and we then brought Eden back to ours for a sleepover. Not before venturing into Bellsquarry Woods to hide the rocks though. (We’re in a Facebook rock painting group. The kids paint then hide rocks, putting clues on the Facebook page so other kids can look for and find them).

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