My World Through A Lens

By DizzyChick

St Giles Church ~ Imber

30th March 2018 ~ Imber the lost village!!

Now owned by the Military....

I must say It is a very interesting village with alot of history.

But sadly not what I expected after visiting Tyneham the lost ghost village the end of December 2017, Which I felt a presence, a once loved village which stood still in time when it was taken over by the army in 1943, the 2nd world war.

Imber didnt hold that feeling of a once loved and lived in home/village. The only orginal buildings were the pub, 1880 and the church. The site lacked information as to its history on the buildings. The army came in and built horrid housing in the 70's.

We met a lovely lady who had been part of a documentary last year which should be showing soon on TV.

Her father was one of the last occupants to leavw the village and his cottage next to the pub still stood. She was very emotional and upset that the army had stopped all access into the remaining buildings and this year had reduced the opening days down even more. So the 52 days per year permitted are now down to 22 this year, 2018....

Although we have had Imber on the to visit for sometime. I felt a lack of love and respect for what the village once stood for.

It is open until bank holiday Monday then again in August and then Christmas.

All opinions are my own! X

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