Journey Through Time

By Sue

A Thousand Points of Light

I chose this image because I came up with the title and this best represents the title. However, Image #2 is a little prettier, I think, although it doesn't match my title very well. And believe me, the title was spot on when I saw the netting used to protect the strawberries, wadded up on the bench in the garden. Almost ever single intersection of netting had a water drop on it, and it was, indeed, a thousand points of light. So, I have decided to go with this after my foray into the yard to find something blipable.

We are supposed to have about 4 inches of rain over the weekend, but I shall not complain too loudly since our Blip buddies back East are going to get a major weather smack down soon. Or so they predict anyway. Aaaannnnnd in this corner, the tag team of Hurricane Sandy and Nor'easter ready to duke it out with..and give a big hand to...EAST COAST, a huge population used to blizzards, hurricanes, nor'easter's and whatever else this tag team can throw at them. Headed for New Jersey? Forgettaboutit! They may get hit, but they won't go down. Headed for New York? That tag team is in for a surprise as New Yorkers aren't one to be messed with. The Battle of the Century begins.(well, in a day or two)...and we will be watching on The Weather Channel, no doubt. Always fun to see what weatherman Jim Cantore will be doing. Hang tough guys!

Catch ya in 24 hours, my friends.

"May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow. May the soft winds freshen your spirit. May the sunshine brighten your heart. May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you, and may God enfold you in the mantle of His love."
Irish Blessing

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