the colour green

By jukeys

lili beth

Marius and I went to the theatre this morning! We saw a show called Lili Beth that featured Julien, the husband of Pierre’s cousin Emmanuelle. It was for kids from 6 months to 3 years old and Marius enjoyed it - I think! It’s hard to tell, but he sat still for most of it and even clapped his hands at some parts :)

Pierre did brilliantly in the theory exam today (his last day on the course), but has to re-sit part of the practical exam. Hopefully next week. As it’s Easter weekend, he wont find out if his new employer are OK with him re-sitting and it may just be that he wont be able to continue. It’s another setback, but hopefully it’ll all work out.

Pierre’s cousin Ben came for dinner tonight with his girlfriend Sarah. We had a brilliant laugh! Sarah is lovely.

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