
By Stepram

There is a Tarantula in the house!!!!

After a busy and not so great day I was just getting finished when I recived a call from the wife.

"You need to get home quick"

*^%^% I though, whats happened? Are you? Is Ewan ok? the Panic in her voice got me worried, then comes the clincher, "There is a Tarantula in the house!!!!"

Sigh, big, massive, all mighty sigh, a $%£ing Tarantula, do you mean a incy ween teenie little spider or an attatual Tarantula?

"its massive, its a Tarantula!"

So I rush home to find this a slightly large common Spider, not a Tarantula, a common old garden spider, ok a fairly large example, but still a common spider, a Tarantula , my %$£$

What a day, I'm glad of the weekend. Got CV's to read ahead of Mondays Internviews ......... :-)

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