Bye-Bye Thailand

(Only for a time. I'll be back to say, "Hello" in January.)

A couple words that seem to translate even to non-English speakers are "Hello" and "Bye-Bye."

Today while walking a friend's dog, a little girl stared and then ran to hug her dad's leg. I waved and said, "Hello" with a a big smile. (The dog is big, so I feel like I have to be extra friendly so people aren't scared...sometimes it works...maybe.)

As I walked away, I could hear the dad explaining, "Jdos edjsfoa 'Hello' dfnsao euud cojs fdo. Woxi fosd 'Bye-bye' co eww odszot."

I interpreted it something like, "Foreigners say, 'Hello' as a greeting. Then they say, 'Bye-bye' and wave when they leave."

However, for all I know, he could have been explaining, "If a foreigner says, 'Hello' she wants to kidnap you. So you must say, 'Bye-bye' and run away as quickly as possible."

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