Hollibobs day 3

The Easter bunny arrived at some point in the night, although we had tears first thing as they hadn’t spotted the bags on their beds!

Easter bunny did well - peter Rabbit pyjamas, colouring books and pencils, jolly postman book / penguin matching game, Jemima puddle duck tshirt / peter rabbit tshirt.

We had a crafty morning, making colourful eggs, cards and seed papers. Then the traditional Easter egg hunt around the garden.

Played upstairs - I was the Mummy crocodile who had to lie in bed (until I heard a thud of wom falling from top bunk - he’s ok) daddy came home. I slept for an hour.

Bike riding - daddy was being daft riding the childrens bikes and having fun.

Very early bath, pjs on and quiet time.
Wom fell asleep on the sofa, munchie went to bed with no grumbles at all

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