
By LifeLines

Sunshine on a Rainy Day

Another wet day.  We ventured to the garden centre this morning and I caught up with my sister by telephone.  After lunch the rain continued so we sat and relaxed doing some word puzzles and watched the birds on the nut feeder.  It is interesting to see the daily routines of the birds.  We've a group of sparrows who enjoy the hedge at the end of the garden.  In the morning they start at one end of the hedge and feed off one of our neighbour's bird feeders.  As the day progresses they work their way down the hedge and as they do so, move on to feeding off our nut feeder.  We also watched a rather puzzled squirrel who couldn't work out how to get over the fencing we put up a few days ago.  Eventually it figured out that there were no gaps along the bottom and the only way was over the top!  The muses of a wet bank holiday Monday!  This little ornament is on one of the buildings in the village - a little bit of sunshine on a rainy day.  I hope you have all had a good day.

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