Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Sun up

Erm where do I start? Ewe with triplets decided she doesn't like her wee ewe lamb so I took it away and gave her some milk. Ewe with a cold lamb in the field brought her in. Ewe with Suffolk twins decided to die cause unknown. Poor lambies were curled up with her. Very sad. So then there were 3 pets. We set up the pet lamb pen and the auto feeder for them and have begun teaching them how to use it. Then this evening a pet lamb  (Button) from a few years ago has had twins. The wee one was very weak and cold so they are also inside in the maternity ward. Oh yeah one of the bulbs blew in the heat lamps and I hadn't ordered spares so now we are down to one heat lamp until new bulbs arrive. We have made a new lambulance in that we've put some gates on a trailer to make it easier to bring in ewes and lambs. Just having hot chocolate then heading to bed praying no one lambs tonight. Last round just as it was getting dark no one even looked close or I would have brought them in.

4c sunshine and cloud 18mph E

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