A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Eagle Tablescape

We had such a busy weekend I have fallen behind in my blipping obsession. Today's blip is a wood carving on my dining room table of an eagle that Mr. Mellow brought home a couple years ago. I thought the lighting makes it rather intriguing and there is a reflection that makes it look as though my house is laid out completely different than it actually is. I like that too.

Today, after a very fun party last night for ANOTHER 50 year old neighbor, we went to breakfast at our daughter's house. The new mom actually cooked us crepes, scrambled eggs, sausage and had a nice fruit bowl full of colorful things. It was very nice to visit and see the grandkids, it had been a few days after all. Olivia changes every day and becomes more like her big brother Owen in looks and facial expressions. But Olivia has her mommy's personality...that she got from Mr. Mellow, thankfully. Calm is good, right? Then I enjoyed an afternoon of movie watching with my neighborhood girlfriends. Not much time for thinking creatively with my camera, so this is it.

A rather good day though.

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your evening.


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