
By M9


The Sandhill Crane is one bird I had never seen, but for a long time had high hopes of eventually spotting one.  Today was the day!  On the very last day of our Florida vacation, these two cranes appeared on the golf course and walked the edge of the pond right behind the house!  I can hardly believe my luck!  I was so excited, my camera was clicking away like mad! 

The American Sandhill Crane is approximately 3 to 4 ft. tall, with a wingspan of 5½  to 7½ ft. wide.  Today’s male was definitely pushing 4 ft. tall. They are a migratory bird and gather in early spring in the sandhills of the Platte River in Nebraska, hence their name.  They are well known for high altitude flying – more like soaring, because they ride the thermals.  And their distinctive call is an incredibly loud squawk.

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