Above my desk - 2

In the middle is a print of Ken Currie's "Three Oncologists", commissioned by the National Portrait Gallery in 2002.

The men represented in this painting are professors in the Department of Surgery and Molecular Oncology at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School in Dundee. The Head of Department and Professor of Surgery, Sir Alfred Cuschieri, is in the centre. Sir David Lane, Professor of Molecular Oncology is on the right. On the left is surgeon Professor Steele. All three men appear to have been disturbed in the middle of their duties: Professor Steele has blood on his hands and Sir Alfred Cuschieri is holding a medical implement. The luminous quality of the paint makes the figures look almost ghostly, expressing the sense of horror and anxiety associated with cancer.   (From the National Portrait Gallery Web Site)

Bob Steele (on the left) was a fellow Examiner when I was working for the Royal College of Surgeons, and we met in several far flung places.

Extra:    Above my desk

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