Looking backwards........

..........at five and a half years.
5 1/2 YEARS ???         1000 BLIPS???
OMG ,doesn't time fly when you are enjoying yourself  :-D

Time perhaps to pay credit where credit is due !

Five and a half years ago, things for me were quite bleak and I really didn't expect to be here now at all : and I am absolutely sure that your Blips helped me enormously.
Thank you all :-)
And each day is a bonus!

For me, Blip is about photography........the capture  -if only for a moment- something of the wonder ,in all its colour and glory ,that is this beautiful place that we have been given to inhabit :-) 
If I can share a little of what it means to me, then I am glad for that .
But above and beyond the photographs are the sentiments ,hopes ,fears, laughter and good will that emanates from each and every blipper.  And the chance to meet  you ;if only for a brief while :-)
Charlie 17 ....the kindest man on the planet
Cailleach......the funniest and best storyteller in Scotland
Lady G ......whose diary makes Bridget Jones look mundane
Lizellen.......whose photographs are amazing
SSN595..... for showing us all the colours of the rainbow
Gilesey..... for being Gilesey
Jilly Mint..... for her beautiful photos, courage and showing us how
......I could go on ....the list is endless :-)
And then to meet with Sydney and have my life enriched immeasurably ;her bright laughter,fun,talents ,perception and caring are every bit as sure in real life as we guessed from her (much missed) blips!!      I love her to bits :-D

And credit must go to the Blipfoto team  who, in these days of  quick bucks from stealing identities , have resisted the weasel words of the silent assassins of Big Business!

And I must ask your forebearance  .as of late I have badly neglected your journals :-(
Its not indifference......for some time I have been conscious that the days before me are considerably less than those that have gone before and that each and every one must be treasured!     Nathan Nguyen got it wrong.........Its  BLIP that's the thief of time   :-D
I try to escape the siren call of the Internet ,spending only the briefest time in its pallid glare :-O
Inevitably  much is missed......please forgive me ....but be reassured each and every one of you is important !

1000 done.......1000 more???    Who knows??
Will see what tomorrow brings  :-D

If you have got this far ,you are spending too much time at the PC  .......stop now .....and get some fresh air :-D  

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