An Ikonic Adventure

By IkonBrisbane

Crickey! The NGEN Halloween party was on fire

Pictured above with Chantal and Robyn from SCA

The NGEN Halloween party was a fun-filled night which consisted of many 'too soon' calls, bowing, sword wielding and soot smearing. The only disappointment of the night was Chris' 'LMFAO Party Rock' costume not arriving in the mail in time and thus, not being able to see him wear animal-print, velcro stripper pants complete with matching briefs and fake tan. A couple of highlights though were Simon winning one of the best dressed awards and 'Gangnam Style' playing, in which we instantly broke out in synchronised routine on the dancefloor... and no, Simon didn't take his shirt off this time.

Props to the NGEN committee (yeah Cam!) and REA Media for being a sponsor. Thanks for a great night!

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