I fell behind in posting for a couple of days. Those late posts are here
and here.
Recently, the days I've photographed birds you've probably seen a theme emerging. They are all attracted to the ocotillo because they are in bloom. The flowers are at the tips of the whips. It's a double-edged sword for Zippy. On one hand he loves the natural nectar produced by those flowers. On the other hand, there are no bare tips for him to perch in order to scour the neighborhood for interlopers.
The weather has been perfect. Just in the last few days I've developed tan lines on my feet. For the longest time this morning I sat on the patio with my coffee listening and watching the birds. Unfortunately, I haven't seen mom since Sunday because I've been fighting some mysterious tummy rumbles. Saw the doctor today. Won't be eating burritos anytime soon.
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