Constant Exposure

By constant

Dog Gone Clean

Took Addie for a full service at Dog Gone Clean. I love that they have these really strong air blowers that you use to literally blow the water out of their coats. Very cool. Addie, of course, is not impressed. Very bad image quality I'm afraid but the best I could manage under the circumstances.

I also, finally, figured out how to cut Addie's nails properly and painlessly. Very happy about that. Usually we pay the vet to do it, but it's like $25 so we end up putting it off too much. We also have hardwood floors throughout the house so she usually makes a racket with her long nails. Now she's a ninja pup!

I've also just realised that my 365th blip is in 5 days. Unfortunately I'm going to be out of town for the weekend and coming back on the day of my 365th blip. So that makes things much harder. I'll have to bring my laptop and hope there is internet access. Also need to install LR on it too. We'll see how it goes.

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