Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Someone Else's Squirrel

This squirrel lives at my friend Martha's house. I am going there twice a day for the next week to feed her cat and her birds (and, evidently, her squirrel) while she and her husband are in Eugene, Oregon visiting their youngest daughter and her family (husband, two small boys).

This squirrel appears to be a Mama and to have a very odd arrangement of nipples sticking out the side. ???? Maybe it's just because she's crouching. Maybe when she straightens up things look more normal. Maybe? You will notice she also has yet another variant of *the nick.*

Blipping early because I'm going out tonight to the monthly meeting of the local bird club. A club to which I pay my membership, but until now have never done anything with. Ever. I am going tonight because a young woman I know from the New River Birding & Nature Festival is their speaker for this meeting. She'll be talking about Turkey Vultures. And vultures in general, I suppose. She has written a book on the subject. When I saw that she would be the speaker I figured it would be a good time to dip a toe in the proverbial water. I am also attending the "meet the speaker" dinner at a restaurant near the site of the talk, so that'll be nice.

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