Egg Hunt plus

Another wet day, so we set off to Carlisle on the train. A bit of lunch and shopping for clothes and books and then we headed to Tullie House. We haven't been there with the children before and we were very impressed with how wonderful the staff were with them. 

They were supposed to be on an Egg Hunt - again a bit different from the norm as they had to spot different bird's eggs in glass cases around the museum and gallery. Of course this took them, and the adults, to parts of the museum that they had never been to before and we kept getting side-tracked. It is an excellent museum, no wonder it has won awards. 

Everyone was fascinated by the Cracker Packer exhibition, as can be seen in this picture. 

Back home to pizzas made by grandad, ably assisted by various helpers. And we managed to finish the jigsaw (see extra), with everyone putting some of the last few pieces in place. A big success. They are home tomorrow. Just as the nice weather starts!!

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