Going Home

We've had almost a full house today with visits from Jo, Deborah and Lucie - lovely to see them all and the time went by all too quickly.  Showers were the order of the day and at 6pm I still hadn't managed  to get the camera out. I decided to go out and get some fresh air anyway and chose to go to the Piece Hall as I knew I could get a blip even if it poured down.  I was lucky however and the hour I was out saw the best light of the day.  

I liked seeing these figures in my shot and I imagine they were people going home at the end of their working day, otherwise the place was almost deserted.  Our theme for the challenge this week is structure, and I think this amazing building satisfies the criteria admirably.

Many thanks to BobsBlips for hosting the challenge and coming up with such interesting themes. 

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