Spilt milk

A day 'at home' in Fiesole which I thought presaged my last dentist appointment. Of the two crowns to be fitted one didn't extent down to the gum line, much to the annoyance of Teresa the dentist and Sylvia her more-than-assistant.  Then the large filling I was to have replaced turned out to not be practicable and an implant was planned. All in all I had to have to casting sessions and more drilling and grinding than I had bargained for. I tried to focus on my shopping list but that 3M gloop threatening to fall down my throat was pretty near the edge for me.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning, shopping, doing a wash and cooking. Heavy rain fell as a pushed my trolley back to the car parked on a street a little too distant from the supermarket.

The chicken stew turned out well and we had an early night.

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