Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Feeling the love

We had the funeral service for my friend Dennis  yesterday. 
There was standing room only at the little church where he and his wife were members. Those of us that worked with him for years had reserved seating and I estimated there were probably 75 people from my former work place, some still working and some retired.     The pastor opened the service as usual with prayer and song but then when he started speaking about my friend he recalled a conversation they had had a few days before the death occurred.     Pastor P asked what kind of things D wanted  him to say or do at the funeral and the reply he said  was "  just say what needs to be said and  "you can say it all in five minutes!"   Knowing my friend I am sure he said just that.   But it was a nice service with laughter and tears.  I did well with my tears until a young man got up to sing.  He is the grandson of a long time work friend who was on the crew with D for over 25 years. The young man sings country western music and plays guitar.    He sang "Hello Darlin' " a country song recorded by Conway Twitty years ago that was D's favorite song.  He would sing that first line  " Hello, Darlin' it's been a long time" when he would greet the women that he included...if he was feeling silly.   The young man got choked up at one point (as were we all!) but he managed to come back at a good place in the music and finish his song.   I saw his grandpa wiping his cheeks.   Me too.

D's brother got up and spoke about some silly things that had happened in their life while they hunted, fished, or worked the gardens they all had.  
He was a good man and will be missed by many.  It is amazing how one person can spread all that love around without really be obvious.   His son mentioned to me that he knew his dad had a special place in his heart for me as I had for him.   It was that kind of love.  

I saw these little heart shaped redbud leaves and just felt like they would be a good reminder for me today about loving with all your heart.   

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