Baby Photo Shoot

My day started off with a 9am appointment at the Nuffield Hospital to see Charles Zammit, my breast surgeon, for my two year check up and mammogram.  We also discussed my concerns with regards to the tamoxifen and whilst there are known side effects, it's also known as a 'wonder drug' .  He said I could change to something else, but that has side effects of it's own, and in his opinion, Tamoxifen is the better option.  He did suggest I speak to the pharmacist though, because there are different brands and side effects can be worst with one brand compared to another, so suggested trying the different brands to see which works better for me.

After being examined by Charles, I went for the mammogram and received the best news that everything is fine and that I'm two years cancer free!  I have to say that I've been feeling rather ecstatic all day and felt like I was walking on Cloud 9.

I then covered an extra shift at work until 2pm, and this afternoon I went to Elif's to do Luca's photo shoot.  This was a first for me, and he was a little wriggler!  I've put a few other shots in my extras and Elif is over the moon with them, she said she can't pick a favourite.  We have some other ideas so I'm going to go back to do some more with her and Seyran - I think I need to look at investing in some lighting and back drops though!

Elif's mum goes back to Turkey next week, and I'm not likely to see her again before she leaves, so I asked Elif to teach me something in Turkish to say to her.  She asked me what I'd like to say, and I said to wish her a safe journey home and that I'll see her next time.  Anyway, I had it rehersed, and when I went to leave I said it to her - she gave me a big hug and said something to me, which Elif translated and said that I'm a good friend and I took her to see her daughter, and she wants me to go and stay with her in Turkey.  I said to Elif that it would be very nice, but that we wouldn't be able to speak lol!  She said, just go and enjoy her cooking and wander around the town with my camera - it sounds very inviting!

Tonight I've been out for dinner with Lisa at VIP, our local Italian and now I'm home and Alan and I are having a glass of fizz to celebrate.

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