Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Wednesday — Grammie Fun’s Things

This evening we stopped at Grammie Fun’s house to see her things as the estate workers have been preparing for the estate sale that will happen later in April. The displays were quite attractive, and I was pleased to see how everything has been organized to reveal value.

I stood in front of the jewelry and got all choked-up. She loved her jewelry. She never left the house without being all “dolled-up.” She always wore earrings, necklaces, brackets, and rings. Looking at it here all wrapped in plastic baggies marked $2 or $4 was a little overwhelming.

Grammie also believed that her shoes and purse needed to be matching. She grew-up wearing hats to go to Sunday mass. So she loved hats. Later in life when she followed us to evangelical churches, she still wore hats but not every Sunday.

This sounds crazy, but it’s still difficult to grasp that Grammie is no longer with us. It was the last weekend in December that she fell and spent the night on the floor next to her chair and her phone was out of her reach. Three more times in the next two months she fell and could not get up. She was falling and she was “failing.” It was her dementia that Mr. Fun had difficulty recognizing. Our former son-in-law, who is like a son to us, recognized and identified her dementia years ago.

It was the last evening of February that Mr. Fun called for 24/7 caregivers. After 8 days of that, he found a lovely Board & Care home for her to be in. She was there 15 days and then made her escape to Heaven. Even though she was 95, it just seemed over in a hurry. Our two adult children think we murdered her and have quit speaking to us. Our heads are still spinning with all these complexities.

So I stand before her jewelry this Wednesday evening blinking back liquid emotion.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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