Old Vines
These old head pruned vines looked wonderfully abstract to me and I publish this shot of them just as it came out of the camera....actually the phone since I forgot to take my camera with me on our trip to Windsor to see the wonderful Kathy.
It has begun to rain and we're told to expect potentially torrential rain...a 'Pineapple Express' from Hawaii aimed right at the San Francisco Bay Area...as much as six inches of precipitation in the next 24 hours with possible landslides and flooding in the burn areas. We're also told that this is very late in the year for such a meteorological phenomenon. We can do nothing but wait and see what happens....Maybe I can finish the sweater I've been knitting and unknitting for over a year.
My Italian neighbor informs me that Mercury, apparently the agent of chaos in our solar system, is retrograde until April 15th. The scientific explanation for this phenomenon is that it is an optical illusion when a planet viewed from earth appears to stop and go backward. The astrological explanation is that when Mercury is in retrograde, chaos ensues. Although astrology isn't particularly my thing, I wouldn't argue with the unscientific view today.
We have had lost car keys which turned up in a place so narrow between the two front seats of the car that I couldn't get them out. OilMan, illogically, was certain we had left them in Windsor. You don't need to insert a key to start the car, but You DO have to have it with you IN the car. He thought I had my key with me, but I didn't. (Sometimes there is just no logical explanation of new technology. If the key were inserted into the ignition as we have always done, everybody would know where it is, and OIlMan wouldn't have to hoike it out from under the seat with a stick because it fell out of his pocket.
The mysterious rash isn't improving very much, but the prednisone which is supposed to cure it is keeping me awake at night and making me a little crazy...a step up from grumpy which I have been since it began. Kathy's theory is that rashes are the body's attempt at expelling toxicity. I wish it would hurry up!
My friend Tobi is bringing her friend, blipper LmiriamC to dinner tonight. I'm hoping that that will not prove to be chaotic because I'm looking forward to a pleasant evening....
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