I'm hiding!!!

And you don't just have the voice to guide you!!!  Little Missy doesn't want to go home!!!

First a huge thank you for sending yesterday's blip right up to the top of the popular pages!  It went up to third which is definitely the highest I have ever achieved!!  So again Thank you all! xxxx

A busy day today: Grandbaby all day : she is so cute!  Her communication skills are great now.  She wants more ?  She signs more and she signs please as well!  she wants a nappy change: she brings me her changing mat!  (actually she gave it to Ro who promptly gave it to me!!!)

Shopping in the morning and then Lunch followed by a general nap Broken by Dad who wanted us to bring LM back from Nursery. I spent quite a lot of time in the kitchen as we had friends come to dinner this evening and I wanted to try out various dishes!!! Then off to collect Little Missy, via Morrisons for some bargain peanut butter and a few odds and ends for dinner.

Made some dinner for the girls and they ate it.   Mum collected them at 6:00 and then I just had time to change and do my hair before our friends arrived!!

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