#day3 winter cold in April

Well I realise Mr Bumble is out of focus, but then again, so am I.  He was constantly working in the garden, unlike moi who could not reduce my "To Do" list one iota.   A bad night followed by an even worse day, the only guest at my own pity party, I spent watching the day move on by, and what a glorious day too.  Super sun drenched Chelmsford whilst I coughed and sneezed so much that I put my back out. Mid afternoon I hauled myself to Boots in order to replenish the remedies, when the pharmacist reaffirmed it would be better not to fly on Sunday if there is no improvement.  Who knew that "just a cold" could be so utterly wretched? My bro, before disappearing for a camping weekend commented that he hopes  I am still here when he gets back Sunday evening, though he then added that he would be sorry if I am still here, as it would also mean I'm still unwell. Conflict of interests.  On balance, I'd rather be well in Istanbul than ill in Chelmsford. I think. 

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