Give Us A Clue

We've had a bit of a lazy day and I'm feeling a tiny bit guilty. Still, we are on holiday...
We woke up to rain, and it's been coming down steadily all day. We started the day with a huge fry-up and managed to get out of the house at the crack of midday. We've got a good walk planned for tomorrow but as it was raining we decided it would be a good day to go to Grasmere and get some gingerbread. We had a coffee and did some mooching around the village. Some poor people were getting married in the church. 
We came back to the house and Heidi and I set up an Easter Egg Hunt for the children. Every year, the numbers are dwindling and this year it was only Lois and Poppy who were willing to take part. The teenagers aren't too cool to eat the eggs, though.
D's preparing tonight's meal and Eve and Alf are doing a couple of hours revision. Lois is making cakes and Poppy is hanging out in the teen's pit downstairs.  The rest of us are slumped on the sofas drinking gin.
Could be worse. 

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