Blips and blops

By Mags

Look Who We Met!!!!

We were ever so excited this morning! Today was the day we were going to meet Molly the gorgeous collie! We love Molly, her owner Ann and all the adventures Molly has.
So, off we went and what a lovely walk we had! Mr L and Molly were very well behaved (apart from a minor indiscretion involving half a dead seal........which in fairness Molly checked out but not at such close range as Mr L!!). Anyway, after our lovely walk on the beach we met up with Mr Mags and we all went for lunch in the pub.
Molly is cute in her blips but she’s even cuter in real life! Just check the extras if you don’t believe us!
Molly and Ann, thank you so much for driving to meet us! We had a great time. We can’t wait to see you again- and who would have thought we would have a mutual friend who wants to join us next time! And thank you Blip - without Blip we would never have met! Xx

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