Getting "The Look"

I made it outside today ......... twice!

Once I went and delivered a disc of pictures to the girl who came 2nd in the Miss West Lothian contest on Wednesday (since the organiser has failed to pass on the original one since mid February).
The other time was to go and get a carry out.

Other than that I had hardly moved my fat backside out of my chair.

On Wednesday at the (cancelled to due bad weather) camera club it was meant to be a Pecha Kucha night where you show 20 slides and talk about each one for 20 seconds.
I made up 3 and was going to have somebody choose one at random and talk off the cuff.
This morning I chose one at random and rejigged the times and put it into a slideshow.

I also took half a dozen close-ups of the cats face while he was on my lap. They are here.

Motorsport ................. that is the only other thing I have done today. Watch, not take part!

What a bone idle bugger I am.

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