Long Time No See

I haven't been to the Hellegatsplein for about a year!  Seems like it was only yesterday that I took shots here.

Went to work only for meetings.  From 10.00 to 12.00, sat with a small IBC group of 4 although we are a total of about 12 people.  Half of those present love to hear themselves talk.  At one point, I became really quiet and just jotted down notes for myself, occasionally leaving the room to get away for a bit.  At 12.00, they weren't actually finished yet but I took my leave.  Went to Little V for some of my favourite soup, then returned for a short consultation session with E, one of the C3.105 group who has become our subject leader.  We have a meeting scheduled with Management, the usual second meeting with individual staff to discuss plans for next schoolyear and beyond.  (The first meeting is usually in November.)  I made it clear that I prefer not to overtime, although might make an exception if the need was urgent.  I specified which subjects and years I no longer wanted to teach, and if the total number of hours was too little, I was willing to return to my original four days.  The net difference in pay isn't that significant anyway.  Of course I didn't tell her that now that my house is fully paid, I no longer feel that much pressure.  If they really needed all hands on deck for some subjects, then I was willing to maintain my full-time contract, but please, not the subjects I definitely no longer wanted to teach.  E asked why I wanted out of English (different from Business Communications) and I told her that the program was in a total mess and that the fact that it appears to be in constant flux is a never-ending source of stress.  You're never prepared and you have to adjust to sudden changes all the time.  In short, plain hell, so I want no more of it.  I'm still fine with Project Management and with the intercultural subjects, no problem there, but I no longer want to mentor either.  Again, why?  I said I felt I wasn't really getting anywhere with it and couldn't really be of help to my students as I didn't know half the answers to their questions ... because so many things are still shifting.

As usual, the moment I was done, had a short last word with M of the IBC group, and then off I went.  There's a seminar tomorrow but I am not going, and a Block 5 kick-off on Friday which I might not attend either.  Already mentioned as much to Management and it was okay with them anyway.  Told them I was still tired with everything that transpired in Feb and March, and anyway I have a load of prep work to do for this final stretch of the schoolyear.  Actually, I also want to enjoy what has been forecasted to be warmer weather this coming weekend.

After those few hours at work, exited Rotterdam through the south and drove to Zeeland to check if the tulip fields were in bloom -- not yet!  Never mind, lots of time yet.  On the way back, passed by the Hellegat to visit my favourite bulls and horses.  They are as magnificent as ever!

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