Around the Block

As I mentioned yesterday, planned to work at home today, and I did just that.  Updated my bookkeeping ... what a load of work!  At least, for me.  I'm dyslexic with sums, I think, or else I have a weird sense of logic when it comes to accounting, trying to keep it as simple as I can for myself -- 1+1=2, no more but also no less.  What comes in has to 'come out' somewhere, no cent lost.  Figured out our net cost and net profit with regards to both houses, and came out positive.  It will sound funny now, but part of that profit was eaten up when we had to pay those huge legal fees last year.  Anyway, everything worked out in the end.  No more backlog.  Maybe I can quit work? ... hahaha!  Fat chance!

Fine weather, so we took a short walk.  AW still isn't completely well (bacterial attacks do take time) but did his best, but we did return home sooner than I had planned.  No matter.  There's a nice drive planned for myself tomorrow ... because, yes, I don't think I'll go to Rotterdam, which is what I had planned anyway.

Shot in the swampy area near our place.  Northwest Breda used to be all swamps.  In the course of the centuries, generation after generation of farmers managed to drain some of these and reclaim precious land for crops and cattle, but while the swamps dwindled in number and size, they didn't disappear completely.  Today, the government, both local and regional, recognizes these wet areas as vital to the ecological system, so we're allowed to take walks around them and that's about it.  All kinds of water fowl love it here, and some of it is even good for some grazing, if the creatures don't mind getting their hooves wet.

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