just pink...

...on a sunday


when i needed a bit of a pick-me-up - after i managed to burn my arm on the oven door

a silly error in timing and space - you know how that goes - you reach for something thinking - believing - there is more room than there really is - and bam! - your arm ends up coming into contact - with an amazingly hot oven door - but you can't simply drop what you're holding - even though that's your 1st reaction - no precious time must be taken to put it down - before you can tend to yourself - then you go silently screaming to the sink - to blast very cold water on the burn

whew! - i believe it'll be fine - yet it's been some time since i have suffered - a burn injury from an oven - let me just say, 'ouchie' - so in light of that, pink does help to make it...


happy day.....

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