Aachen, Germany

It's not difficult to see what good weather can inspire!  In my case, my third day trip to Germany in 14 days, this time to Aachen (sounds like 'AH-ken').  The trip last Saturday to Ingelheim did the trick.  Refreshed my knowledge on Charlemagne and discovered that he died in Aachen and was buried in the cathedral there, so of course that made me rather curious.  The cathedral itself is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which made me even more curious.

Left about 11.30 and by 14.00 (thanks to a slight Friday pile up near Maastricht), I was on the spot.  Parked my car a fair distance away, then walked to the city centre and first explored the cathedral.  Before entering, though, took this shot.  This is the Town Hall of Aachen, and it's quite impressive, particularly the way they recycled it.  Maybe some of the ghosts of the knights of long ago are secretly learning how to use the computers?  I enjoy imagining that.

Explored the cathedral, then went to the info centre to see if I could join a guided tour so that I could take a closer shot of Charlemagne's shrine, which contains his remains.  The next scheduled tour was at 16.00 and it was to be given in German, but I didn't mind.  Better 16.00 than later, and anyway I could always look up online whatever I wouldn't be able to catch on the spot.  While waiting for 16.00, I bought a ticket to the Treasure Room and took shots of what was in there, and they did look like treasures -- crowns and large amulets, reliquaries of all kinds, medieval books, paintings, ancient images, and so on.  When it was time, went back to the info centre and discovered I lost the tour ticket, but that was okay.  The guide recognized me and I could join.  Indeed, we got to the area behind the altar where the shrine was set (extra), and then upstairs where we were shown a marble throne, where German kings were crowned for 600 years.  The tour took almost an hour.  Loitered outside afterwards, took some more shots, then bought a box of strawberries for the ride home.  I was home by about 19.00.  AW met me as I was stepping out of the car and replaced me in the driver's seat to go to his bridge evening.

Spent some time reading my mail, left the dishes in the kitchen, then went upstairs and spent the rest of the evening reading in bed, with a cup of tea.  One of the better Fridays I've had.

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