
By LmiriamC

I'm getting a bit behind on my blipping activities! I will catch up over the next few days I hope.

Son and I had breakfast at a super good place in Marina this morning - I think it was the best bacon I've ever eaten. Then I got back in the rental car and drove up to Morgan Hill, about 45 minutes north (it's about 25 miles south of San Jose) to see another old friend (Jen). Turns out, my son was heading up there too, to rouse his friend (T)  out of bed because they were going to play board games at someone else's house. Yes, my 27 year old son still plays games. However, for the game they were playing today, one game takes 8-10 hours to play and they are unbelievably complicated. Jen's son T is my son's best friend, since they were 3 yrs old. I love the they are still good buddies.

Jen and I sat outside by their pool and whiled away a few hours enjoying the sunshine and talking. She has a bird feeder which attracts a bunch of gold finches so that's my blip. This picture has gold finches from practically every angle. There were several more on the feeder too.

They have an adorable beagle who likes to sit out in the tall grass and smell the flowers (extra). She is so cute.

Now I am at my friend K's house. Tomorrow we are going for a hike at one of my favorite parks.

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