
By Madchickenwoman

Spring Show

Annual trip to the Boconnoc Spring Show today - so good it falls around my sisters birthday. The parking fields get very muddy, as of course we had a mizzle today, so we set off early to avoid that and the crowds. Well it was still muddy and we skidded our way to the parking spot! It was so good to be able to walk around and see things without masses of people.
The show was a delight as usual - from a wonderful array of old tools, colourful plants, wonderful flower arrangements, a giant bumblebee and even giant chickens! There was the usual meat-heavy food stalls, sister got her first bit of meat of the week - a bacon bap! I loved the little boy who seemed to be deciding what coffee to start his life off with! 
I managed to get all the seeds and two types of sage and a perennial Zaluzianskya I wanted. The latter I grow from seed every year but had seen as a perennial in a plant catalogue and had been planning to order one! I also bought  two things I didn't know I wanted! Another planter from the woman who made the head planter last year - she even remembered me! Also a decorative metal spike - I've bought many of these over the years I have been going - I do like traditions! I shall blip both at some point!
With the mizzle turning to rain we headed home - my digestive system has been all out of sync this week and today it decided to move - this was making me feel most funny so I was keen to get home. The queue as we left of cars coming in was soo long - we timed it well! Once home a bit of meditation and a snooze calmed me down and then it was time to cook dinner and head for the allotment - where I was suddenly hit by a headache. I lost the rest of the last evening with my sister as I had to take two tablets and go to bed and didn't wake till morning! 

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