A Splash of Pink

Always so much to look at, even crossing a paking lot to catch a train into town.
Didn't get to visit my sister this weekend, but things are looking up for her; she may be able to go home any day now.
Did see the Oregon Symphony blow us away again. Percussionist, Colin Currie, lined his crotales, kick drums, vibraphones, and whatnots across the entire front of the stage to perform John Corigliano's Conjuror. Wow!
Then, as if that wasn't enough, hardly anyone left their seats during intetmission as we sat entranced at the spectacle of getting all the drums off the stage. Many stage hands quickly moved them all together to the edge of front and center. Then one of the hands stepped right up to the instruments, pressed a button on a device she was holding, and lowered the whole kit and kaboodle into the basement. All part of the drama.
After intermission, it was Ravel's Daphnis and Chloe. Wow, Wow! It was spectacular, with a stage full of players, and a choir to boot. I don't know how to describe the music itself, just believe me, it was so great.

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