Backyard Birds

It is a dreich day but to stand on my back porch you are assaulted by the sounds of spring!  

In the crepe myrtles were cardinals, chipping sparrows, chickadees, house finch, titmice, red-winged blackbirds and brown-headed cowbirds all making a joyful noise.  

Seasonal allergies have gotten the better of Kent and even with his shots and oral meds, he is miserable.  After about 4 hours at work today he has come home to try and sleep.

I go get my hair cut this afternoon.  After 5 weeks almost all my 'fairy' hair is still intact!  I'm going to have Abbey highlight my hair so don't expect any to survive.  That's okay though as I have already arranged for Rebecca to come put some orange 'fairy' hair in for me on Thursday so I'll be decked out for the WalkMS on Saturday! 

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