A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Cosy on a Sunday morning

Well, well, well :)

Ok...so once again yesterday evening's planned work session was slightly less productive than hoped. Bizarre documentaries, intriguing Grand Designs and whatsgonnahappennext dramas stole my attention. Which is a little odd considering the absence of any working TV in my Perth accommodation has gone unnoticed and I haven't missed it at all.

Give me a reflective report to complete, however, and suddenly everything seems more compelling!

Nevermind. A quick chat with Erin to release a little frustration and I managed to get most of what I wanted done. Albeit a little later into the night than planned ;) Still, the clocks going back has meant that I haven't lost out on any sleep and in the end it's worked out not too badly.

But I won't be doing it again!

Anyhoo, lack of organisation means I won't be managing to make it out to church this morning. So instead I'm going to have a quiet chill, download a sermon or two for later and get packed and sorted for the journey back to Perth.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Ephesians 2:8-9

Spotted on Twitter this morning - reassurance :)

Slightly disjointed Sunday, but cosy and restful nonetheless :)

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