Chocolate Ducklings for sale

Found these dark darlings at a farm store today with bins of different chicks nearby.
I forget the name of these ducks, but they are bred to lay many and wonderful eggs, not for the meat. I have never heard of them. I am ignorant about ducks except Runners which we had for a while in childhood until my mother sneakily presented them baked on the dinner table. Oh, the howling of the children! We would never forgive her that.
Anyway, in my village I cannot keep poultry -- ducks need  lots of water and a pond.
I wonder if these grow up to remain chocolate coloured. I guess I should do research.
Some other chicks at this farm store were Orpingtons and Bantams. Both favourites of mine.
Ah, spring! (If it ever really comes)

NO SNOW today-- first time in 14 days. BUT alas, tonight and half day tomorrow the snow returns. Can you believe it? "The Winter that Never Ends! " is the title of our life now.
I was shopping at WalMart this morning and had to laugh at the hopeful racks of swim suits and bikinis right out there in the aisles.  We are still on multi-layers and heavy coats.
I heard that the NY governor or some elected state official has declared Winter to be Over & under arrest if it shows up again! Well, tonight might do it.
No flowers blooming here yet... April second week.

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