Rumours of my demise, etc., etc.,
Here I am back after an unintentional blipbreak - backblips follow in due course.
Mr B jetted off to NY today and I (after a largely sleepless night caused by a somewhat upsetting email late at night - I must adopt Mr B's rule of never reading emails after 8pm....) struggled through the day in a cloud of sleepy torpor.
First order of business was a reply to the grumpy-making email. People should really act like grown ups, and shouting "STOP !!!!" in formal documents to place items on an agenda is a bit odd. Frankly. Happily, TallGirl had a ludicrous one lesson this morning, so was home just after 9am and able to help me not make any laughable mistakes.
Later, a call from the mason confirmed the looniness of the emailers. And still later a conversation with neighbours re-confirmed it. Phew.
The conversation with neighbours happened just after a very (2 hours) long meeting at the Mairie to talk about poo. In which everyone managed not to say the word poo ("solid matter" was referred to a lot). But the result is that a world of expense lies ahead of us.
CarbBoy continues to come home every day with a differently wrecked piece of clothing (I think their tag games at school are getting a bit violent), and TallGirl terrified me by trying to make me check equations with square roots and powers in.
Later, too much Brooklyn 99 (including a bit of "awwww" at the right moment) and a slightly scary interlude when we all three started grabbing weapons to take on the axe murderer we thought we heard trying to get into the house (I had a dinner knife, TallGirl had some long spikes that hold the rabbit house together and CarbBoy had his phone and a ruler). CarbBoy was, of course, the voice of reason who pointed out that it was just thunder....
(Cue lots of running round the house checking all the usual spots for water coming in and putting towels and bowls under them.)
And it seems that our 13 month old 'dwarf' rabbit is over 2 kilos. Sheesh.
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