Mono Monday 220

With many thanks to Chantler63 for hosting and a very interesting theme for today.  Every Picture Tells A Story - This picture tells the story of the generous friend(s) I have come to know on Blip.  One in particular that is known as the "gift fairy" in my home. There have been packages from Blip friends near and far, but more than that, there has been an ear to listen and generous and kind thoughts. Most of the books were from Subjunctive and all were enjoyable, though there were more than could be shown here as well as an amazing drawing of Myles, framed and hanging in our family room.  The Vivian Maier book was a suggestion and also a very interesting read. I am always grateful for the way the Blip community has opened my eyes to new things and new ways of photography and especially new connections worldwide.

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