An adventure in crime ...
'The Mercat' in Kirkcaldy. A dismal shopping mall of low commercial occupancy in a dismal town centre of low commercial occupancy. Much like anywhere else.
This photograph nearly cost me my liberty!. I took it, I liked the contrast of ceiling and tile, might be able to post process the hell out of it I thought.
A tiny little ginger badly shaved security oik with a hi-vis coat four sizes too big and a walkie talkie came running up.
“What are you taking photographs of?” he demanded. A generous sweep of my hand indicated my muse, the source of my inspiration.
“Are you allowed to take photographs?” his halitosis asked.
“Perhaps you might be the authority on that.” I suggested, a full foot and a half above him.
Without an answer between us he had to radio it in to base control on his little walkie talkie, and as he explained he had an issue with a photographer, I could hear the message being repeated on other security walkie talkies around the mall as more florescent yellow coats started closing in on me. I seemed to be causing quite a sensation. Anyway base control after much head and arse scratching couldn't give a shit.
“Well write in next time” Ginger said.
“I shall certainly do that.” I replied.
If only Semichem hadn't closed down he'd be able to buy some Vaseline and tweezers and possibly get his little walkie talkie back.
Ginger little jobshite. It did amuse however to watch school kids on holiday (I guess that makes them just kids) shoplifting half bottles of vodka in M&S in the same mall. They went untroubled by hi-vis or walkie talkies.
Again. You little ginger jobshite. And I took more photographs. Welcome to Kirkcaldy.
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