It seems the garden hasn’t come along much in my absence: the crocuses are still blooming, the daffs yet to open, and this time last year the magnolia was in full flower, but there are little signs of new life everywhere. If you look carefully.
Along to a neighbours for a pow-wow with cake and coffee and a woman from Sustrans who is on secondment to the Council. She was very impressive, but I fear her writ doesn’t run as far as the de facto northern bypass.
Later, a guy gets back in touch to arrange a viewing of the tub. That sends me over there with the brasso and teak oil for a few happy hours. Just me and Tom Devine. Telling me all about the historiography of the clearances. He’s a clever bloke, that.
Later, another episode of The Walking Dead which the SK started watching in my absence. And it’s got Egg from This Life in it! How do these guys do that American accent? If I try it I sound like Spike Milligan’s Pakistani. Maybe I need classes.
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