The Old Forge (Monday 9th April 2018)
10.4.2018 (1137 hr)
Blip #2616 (#2366 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.60-18.3.10)
Consecutive Blip #004
Blips/Extras In 2018 #059/265 + #18/100 Extras)
Day #2940 (578 gaps from 26.3.10)
LOTD #1760 (#1601 + 159 in archived blips)
Flora series
Rain series
Macro series
Old Forge series
Front Yard series
Taken with Panasonic/Leica DMC-LX100 Micro 4/3rds compact
Lozarhythm Of The Day:
The Cramps - I'm Five Years Ahead Of My Time (2004)
The Cramps often have one foot in the fifties and sixties and this song was the only single released by the Third Bardo in 1967. It flopped but later appeared on the highly regarded compilation Nuggets and achieved retrospective kudos. I knew and loved the original and versions by the Swedish garage punk band the Nomads (1983) and by Primal Scream (2000) but hadn't heard the Cramps rarer version until this day, while listening to an old Henry Rollins Confidential show (standing in for Iggy Pop) on 6 Music. It comes from their long-deleted EP Blind Vision.
One year ago:
Naish Hill (Horses)
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