Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


Brian's car is on its last legs (wheels?) and it hasn't been starting so I had the pleasure of getting up at least two hours before I needed to, to run him to work. Then I had time to kill before I needed to be at work so I went to a drive thru McDonalds and bought porridge and a coffee. This was about 7 am and there was a queue for the drive thru! Very strange. I had no idea that so many people did that. I then drove to work and sat in the car, parked up, as I like to listen to a radio quiz, 5k minute on Key 103. I might phone one day and try to win. I was still 30 minutes early for work!

It's been a glorious day but, by the time I got to walk the dogs, it was getting a little overcast. I just liked the look of this tree.

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