The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear Givers of Treats,

I have been sooooooo brave. I hurt my paw yesterday. It was so sore that I couldn’t put it down.

Princess Giver Of Food took me to see the lovely vet this morning. I STOICALLY limped out to the car and she helped me get in.

I decided when we got there to be EXTRA brave. They expect a certain standard of behaviour from me in there and I need to keep up appearances. Other dogs see me as a hero. Hard as it was, as soon as we walked through the door, I fought through my AGONY, put my paw down and started walking normally.

PGoF’s chin dropped. I still astound her with my feats of bravery.

The lovely vet wanted to look at my paw but I was worried I wouldn’t be able to maintain my courage so I did my best to stop her by jumping every time she came near it. PGoF came to give me a cuddle on the floor when I was jumping and we got a but stuck. It was ok. Lovely vet managed to get my paw out of The Princess’s hair.

I managed to keep up the facade until we walked out of the door and then I couldn’t bear it any longer. I limped back to the car.

The Princess told me that I am ‘unbelievable’.

She really is lucky to have me.


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