The Fair Maid of Perth

The Fair Maid of Perth looks very dejected, as well she might considering the temperature, as she was wearing neither shoes nor coat, but she would have looked a lot more dejected had she instead taken a seat in the centre of Edinburgh and been enveloped in a cloak of cold, soaking mist.
I may be wrong but I feel there to be a subtle difference between a wet mist and a haar off the sea;the latter looks rather more dense and feels a tad drier.

Whether it was a mist or a haar, it travelled doggedly north with His Lordship and me on our expedition to have lunch with his brother in Perth. Eventually however, we outran it to alight in a grey but dry day in the Fair City.

Perth seems to be the place to be if you want a calm uncrowded place .The luxury of walking freely without being surrounded by hordes of people was indeed exhilarating. Purchases were made, HL’s brother’s new downsized flat on the banks of the Tay was inspected and lunch was eaten in town before we hopped back onto a bus to make our way back home.

The excitement of the day out was so much that I fell asleep and missed the heady tour of the back streets of Dunfermline. That was a very lucky break!

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