WideAngle Wednesday: Trees...
OK so this is stretching today's Widwed theme of "Trees" a little (apologies to Widwed host Bobsblips). But this is a wide-angle photo, and there are at least 6 trees on it if you look closely! (One is indicated on the thumbnail.)
I took my Dad to see our (Gosforth) Camera Club exhibition which I've mentioned before is being held in Newcastle Central Library until next Wednesday. Whilst Dad's able to walk with a wheeled walker, the distances were a bit far for him in the time available, so he came in his wheelchair which you can see in the photo. (Apologies to the lady in blue who just happened to be there when I took the photo - I don't know her.)
Three of my own photos are in the exhibition, but only one is hung on this panel - the second one up on the left of the centre section of the panel (just above the tree photo in the thumbnail) - sunrise at Blyth Harbour. It doesn't show up very well here of course, but it's one which I posted in a flickr album on Nov 18th last year.
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