Sneaky Peek

By SneakyPeek


Today's image isn't just of any old chimney stack, it's a chimney stack with the letters YLT on it and, for the uninitiated, this stands for Young Leith Team. These letters are found on buildings all over Leith and I've seen them all of my life but, strangely, have never come across anyone who has ever confessed to having been a member of this somewhat elusive gang. Of course, I've never actually asked anyone but I don't think that's the point really. Anyway, this image was taken from the top deck of the number 22 bus this morning whilst I was heading up Leith Walk into town. The chimney stack in question is part of what used to be the old Leith central railway station but which is now home to the Central Bar at the foot of Leith Walk. For those that don't know, Irvine Welsh's fantastic book (and movie) Trainspotting was named after this now defunct station.

Anyway, the purpose of my blip is not only to try and find out if anyone else has ever met a Young Leith Team member but also to remind you all of how much I like Lothian buses. They're not only clean, frequent and cheap but a trip on one also gives me some valuable thinking time and today, on the bus, I not only found out where the ISO settings were on my camera but also discovered the following:-

1. Getting over excited to the point of stressing myself out is not a good idea.

2. Finding the perfect camel coat isn't easy.

3. Discovering I have a very low tolerance level to people who rustle (plastic bags, not cattle).

4. Realising I have no idea what Snap Fax is.

5. Discovering I really like the song "Things Can Only Get Better" and that I find it hard to keep still when listening to it. (This can be a tad embarrassing when you're shimmying up and down the aisle of the bus whilst singing and pointing randomly at strangers.)

6. Remembering what a stupid idea it was to purchase TomTom for my iPhone and then selling my car 3 weeks later. (I'm not sure if it works on the bus or not but I shall test this soon and revert back to you all with my findings).

Another of my favourite pastimes to while away the hours on a bus journey is to switch on the Wi-Fi setting on my iPhone to see what weird and wonderful names people have given their networks. I'm sure you'll understand my excitement when I came across these little beauties.. Of course, I can't tell you where they're located as I feel I'm now bound by the Official Secrets Act. Just call me Mata Hari................

I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend!

Ps If anyone can tell me why you'd want to Face Time someone, I'd be eternally grateful.

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