The Stickathon Ground
The Boss used to chuck sticks for me here and I never realised how nice it looked when viewed from somewhere else.
Of course dogs don’t see this as well as Boss’s and it’s way too far to swim and he chucks sticks on this side of the lake now but…..
maybe we will go back there one day…to the coffee joint…that has hot chocs and while you wait scones and they bring me a water dish…..
Pawscript…As usual Wanaka was glowing in the sun this arfo when The Boss brought The Bossess back from Wellington where they had some excitement yesterday with weather.
Oh and our lady Prime Minister announced that there would be no new oil explorations in our waters so look out future…Here we come.
The awful weather is of course a direct effect of climate change and rising sea temperatures but I know that my grub would be environmentally wonderful if only there was time to test it before consumption…There isn’t.
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